The Actions in detail
The certification process is based on the measures described below. Each bicycle-friendly measure has a corresponding number of points, depending on the implementation effort, cost and acceptance by the employees. A certain number of points must be achieved per action field in order to pass the certification process “bicycle-friendly employer”. Click on the different action fields to show the included measures. To get detailed information about the measure, just click on more information.

Participation in the B2W scheme / Inter-department competition (big companies)
The „Bike to Work“ campaign takes places every year. As a participative action for companies it aims to motivate their employees to cycle to work.

Internal Extension of the „Bike to Work“ Campaign
During the yearly „Bike to Work“ (B2W) campaign a company can become active by
- providing additional bicycle-friendly offers during the B2W period
- offering their own „company prizes“ to participating B2W teams
- carrying out competitions between different departments with separate prizes and rewards

Information on Cycling for New Employees or Those Switching from Motoring to Cycling
The start of a new job is the time to think about the best way to commute and hence is also the best time to start to cycle to work. However, other employees that currently commute by car and would like to switch to a bike might need appropriate information as well.

Internal Bicycle Marketing
By continuously informing all employees about cycling-related issues the role of the bicycle within the company is strengthened. Those that already cycle receive important information that might improve the quality of their commute. This way, future cyclists might be motivated to switch.

Repeating Activities (rituals) to Promote Cycling
In order to sustainably motivate your employees to cycle it is possible to carry out appropriate actions and events on a regular and continuous basis.

Rewards for cyclists
Through appropriate measures cycling employees are rewarded for and motivated to continue to cycle to work.

Individual Trip Planning Guidance for Cyclists
Analog or digital bicycle maps can help to establish individual cycling routes for employees.

Mentor System – Bike-Buddy Services
In the course of an accompanied bike ride employees learn about the fastest and safest cycling routes between their home and work.

Company Bicycle Tour
In order to establish or strengthen the bicycle culture in your company, you can organise a bicycle tour.

Information Events regarding Bicycle Transport
Information events concerning bicycles help to raise the interest of employees in cycling and underline the advantages of commuting by bike.

Training Opportunities in the Area of Bicycle Transport
By offering trainings related to bicycle transport it becomes clear that the bicycle is a perfect alternative to the car with regard to commuting to work.

Create a Map of the Surrounding Area of your Company
Maps of the surrounding area show employees, customers and business partners the available bicycle infrastructure and the most important locations in the vicinity of the company (radius; 1,5 km/1m).

Company Mobility- / Bicycle Coordinator
The mobility and bicycle coordinator collects all information regarding mobility and bicycle transport.
He or she is the central contact point for all employees with specific queries regarding

Agreement on Key Objectives to Raise the Bicycle Share within the Company
Environmental and health objectives of the company are the starting point to establish an increase of the bicycle share within the company as a key objective.

Field of Action 2: Coordination und Organisation Development and Determination of Mobility Strategy
It is the aim of a mobility strategy to achieve the biggest possible effect concerning the mobility behaviour of employees with the smallest possible financial, technical and organizational effort.

Funding – financial support for cycling
Continuous financial support for the promotion of bicycle transport is necessary to guarantee long-term use of bicycles.

Use Bicycles, Cargo Bikes or Bicycle Trailers for Internal Logistics Operations
A company can save time and money by using bicycles (cargo bikes) for logistics purposes.

Use Cycle Logistics for Deliveries
Cycle-based logistics companies offer a reliable, fast, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly way to deliver your goods on (electric) cargo bikes to your customers.

Use Cycle Logstics for your Own Deliveries
Bicycle messengers can carry out the delivery of small shipments.

Exchange/Coordination with Other Companies in the Area
Before starting the implementation of internal mobility management measures it’s useful to exchange plans and possibly also to coordinate measures with other companies in the area.

Create Bicycle Maintenance Opportunities
As long as appropriate tools – e.g. a bicycle service box – are available in the company employees should be able to carry our small repairs and maintenance work on their bicycles themselves.

Adapt a Room to be Used for Bicycle Repair Work or Establish Service Contract with Local Dealer
In addition to the bicycle service box a company can also dedicate an entire room to be used for bicycle maintenance work. Should no room be available it is possible to sign a maintenance contract with a local bicycle repair shop to support cycling employees.

Test Days for Bicycles and Bicycle Equipment
Inform your employees during test days about different types of bicycles, E-bikes, bicycle equipment and let them try out special bikes. Especially E-bikes present a good solution for many people to exchange their cars for a bike.

Acquisition of company bicycles
As a means of transport company bicycles are cost-effective and fast. In larger businesses they can on the one hand be used on the company premises or on the other hand they can be used by employees to commute for short business-related trips.

Price Reduction for Employees in Bicycle Shops
Contact local bicycle dealers, shops and workshops in order to negotiate price reductions for your employees.

Rental Pool of Special Bicycles for Employees (folding bikes, cargo bikes, bike trailers)
A pool of special rental bicycles can help to increase the awareness of employees and demonstrate that bicycles are a realistic alternative to the private car. This pool might include: bicycle trailers, cargo bikes, bicycle equipment, etc.

Persons commuting to work by bike usually use high quality bicycles. Especially where bicycle parking areas are located in public space it is important to consider anti-theft-protection measures.

Periodical and Seasonal Bicycle-Check-Days in your Company
During a bicycle check day in your company bicycles of employees are tested for their roadworthiness (breaks, light, etc.).

Regular Health Checks
Healthy employees show a better performance and have fewer sickness absence. Companies should invite their employees to a yearly health check to increase health awareness among their staff.

Periodical and seasonal key actions
Periodically carried out key actions contribute to motivate employees to come to work by bike all year round.

Bicycle Parking Facilities close to the Entrance (< 100m) or closer than Car Parking Spaces
The acceptance of a bicycle parking facility is not only influenced by the quality of the facility but also by its location. In principal, it is true that: “the closer to the entrance, the better“.

Number and Quality of Bicycle Parking Facilities
Offering appropriate bicycle parking facilities at the company location is an important prerequisite and one of the main reasons why employees decide to cycle to work.

Construct Roofed Bicycle Parking Facility
A roof protects the parked bicycles from bad weather conditions. This way the bicycles are spared (e.g. from rust) and saddles protected from rain. Therefore, most of the bicycle parking spaces should be roofed. However, at least those facilities for long-term-parking.

Lighting of Bicycle Parking Facilities
High quality bicycle parking facilities should have good lighting and high visibility.

Barrier-free, bicycle-friendly Access
People who can start the bike ride quickly and comfortably are usually more likely to cycle. Therefore, bicycle parking facilities should be easily accessible and ideally located at ground level.

Bicycle Service close to /directly at the Bicycle Parking Facility
It is ideal to combine high quality bicycle parking facilities with other services like the provision of a bicycle pump, spare parts, etc.

Take First Steps to Assure Good Access to the Cycle Path Network
Cycle paths increase the comfort for cyclists, are highly accepted and reduce conflicts with other traffic participants. A dense cycling network increases the safety and simplicity for cycling in the city.

Create Bicycle-friendly Access to Secured/Closed Company Premises
Cyclists should have the shortest trip lengths.

Allow Access for Bicycles to Secured/Closed Company Premises
Allow access to secured / closed company premises for cyclists so that they are able to park their bicycles at bicycle parking facilities close to the entrance. Access authorization for cyclists enable an improved mobility on large company premises.

Changing Facilities
Depending on the time of the year cyclists need special clothing and the possibility to change into different clothes before they start work.

Lockers for Clothing and Bicycle Equipment
In order to improve conditions for cyclists, lockers can be installed in existing changing rooms or in other areas that are accessible for employees.

Drying Rooms
In strong rain, even well-equipped cyclists might arrive at work completely soaked. In a drying room their wet cloths can dry comfortably during worktime. In addition, wet pieces of clothing don’t litter the office.

Providing cycling employees with shower facilities gives them the opportunity to freshen up before work.

Washing Machine
In a best case scenario, the previously described drying rooms are also fitted with washing and drying machines. This offers employees the possibility to wash and dry clothing that got sullied on the way to work, directly at the work place.

Restrictions for Car Parking
Measures restricting car traffic have a positive effect on the use of bicycles.

Paid parking for employees
This measure aims to convince employees to refrain from using cost-intensive car parking spaces. Moreover, it’s proven that parking management is one of the most effective measures to motivate employees to use sustainable modes of transport for their commute.

Transformation of car parking spaces close to the entrance into bicycle parking facilities or green areas
Transforming car parking spaces has a realistic benefit, but also a symbolic value. It is thus an excellent opportunity for companies to demonstrate that the support of bicycle traffic is taken seriously.

Use revenue from car parking fees for bicycle campaigns
Use revenue for parking management to finance measures that support sustainable means of transport.

Reduce the number of company cars
Many companies offer company cars to their employees. Despite the fact that a private use of such a car is usually taxable it has been shown that company cars are an incentive to use the car more often.

Car-related benefits are not included in employment contracts or are cancelled
Sometimes employment contracts include the utilisation of car parking spaces as a privelage for employees. Such agreements are usually detrimental when parking management models are introduced and reduce the acceptance of new concepts by employees.

Car-related benefits do not exist or are reduced
Car-related benefits like travel allowance for commuting by car don’t exist or are reduced or cancelled.

Create bicycle parking facilities for customers
Companies that are visited by customers should provide parking spaces for this target group.

Motivational programme / system of incentives for cycling customers
Depending on the type of the company it is possible to provide motivational programmes and/or a system of incentives for customers that encourage them to shop by bike.

Customer traffic Bicycle service box
If the necessary equipment is available customers can carry out minor repairs themselves directly at the bicycle parking facility.

Informationen for cycling customers
A company can provide present and future cycling
customers with information regarding different
aspects of cycling.