The benefits for participating companies are healthier employees which lead to potential savings due to the reduction of sick days and also by an improved operational capability. Companies that have passed the certification process will receive the official cfe-certificate.
What is the CFE-certification?
The cycle-friendly employer certification scheme was developed to establish a European standard for cycle friendly companies. The certification is intended to help European companies to improve the situation for employees that cycle to work. As an acknowledgement for their effort these companies receive the certificate “cycle-friendly employer”.
The certification is built up around many different bicycle friendly measures, that are described in the guidebook “bicycle friendly employer – easy made”

Which companies can get certified?
If the certification is available in your country, companies of all sizes (micro, small, medium, large companies) can be certified. To check if the certification scheme is offered in your country, go to the “country” page. There you will be linked to national certification contact points that are responsible for the implementation.

How to become a cycle friendly employer?
If the certification is available in your country, have a look on the page for national certification. The new developed self-evaluation tool gives companies the possibility to prove if a positive evaluation is possible. To start the self-evaluation registers your company at the national certification pages and dive deep into the world of bicycle friendly employers. All detailed information about the certification process can be found in the section “Certification scheme”.

To start a self-evaluation register your company here. After registration the company receives login data for the internal area.