In addition to bike-to-work campaigns such as "Radelt zur Arbeit", the CFE ("cycle-friendly employer") certification examines the conditions on which employers are offered to create a cycle-friendly environment for employees. Interested companies are judged according to a criteria list and receive a CFE certificate in bronze, silver or gold, depending on how far their efforts go and are successful.
Exemplary bicycle-friendly measures
The national CFE-certification focal point honored a package of bicycle-friendly measures which has been carried out by the Universities, for example, with convenient bike-parking facilities, bicycle services, bicycle repair days, branded bicycles, regular health checks or restrictions for car parking. An extensive mobility concept support measures that motivate employees to come to the universities by bicycle.
Both Universities are also involved in sustainability ("Sustainability4U") within the association of the four universities in Graz, and there are company bicycles available to the staff; planning of high-quality bicycle-parking facilities is demand-oriented. Together with the Union of Students, there are also bicyle-friendly activities which benefit the students.
Margit Braun (FGM-AMOR) emphasised that this CFE certification provides the participating companies with a good platform for presenting themselves in a bicycle-friendly manner. Heidi Schmitt from the Radlobby ARGUS Styria stressed the social responsibility which the universities have as their employers and role models.